Feedback is one of the most important aspects of a team's performance. It helps teams improve and grow, while providing valuable insights that can be used to make decisions. However, in order to get the most out of feedback, it's crucial to understand how it works and how you can use it effectively.
Why do we need feedback?
Feedback is a powerful tool that can be used to improve performance. Employees are more likely to become confident, competent and engaged by receiving constructive feedback from their managers. They will also develop their career if the feedback is given regularly and consistently.
Feedback should be given frequently to help employees understand what they are doing well and how they can improve on areas where it is necessary. It should be given with the purpose of helping the person receiving it improve, and it can be used in a multitude of ways:
- To help improve performance
- To build relationships and communication skills
- As an opportunity to say "thank you" or "you're doing a good job"
Why is feedback so important?
- Feedback is a tool to help employees develop their skills and abilities. It can also be a motivator and an incentive for employees to improve their performance. With the right tools, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, which will help you understand what areas of your work need improvement. This in turn will help you to become more effective at your job.
- Feedback from managers on your performance can give you insight into how well you are doing in the eyes of others, as well as providing direction on where improvements could be made if necessary.
How to give effective feedback
- Feedback should be given in private. Make sure the environment is appropriate for the conversation, and that you’re not interrupting someone else’s work.
- Use a positive and non-judgmental approach.
- Feedback should be given in a timely manner. The sooner after the event or behavior that you provide feedback, the better.
- Give specific examples of what you have observed.
- Be specific and avoid generalizations (e.g., "You never listen to me," vs "Yesterday, you didn't listen when I asked you to stop playing with your phone during the meeting").